Resize photos for email attachments
Resize photos for email attachments

  • Start by clicking the "+" symbol to compose a new mail, then click on the paperclip icon to start attaching your photos.
  • When emailing photographs, keep in mind that the maximum size for an individual attachment is 34MB, and for a file attached to a OneDrive link, it’s 2GB.
  • Select the photos you've uploaded, type your text, and click "Send.".
  • Create a new email message and select "Insert" > “Share from OneDrive” option.
  • Once the photos have been uploaded to OneDrive, go back to your email in.
  • Go to OneDrive and upload the photos you wish to share.
  • If, however, your photos exceed the limit of 25MB, Outlook will suggest you upload them to OneDrive, Microsoft's cloud storage service, and share a link from there instead.
  • To insert several photographs into your email as a photo album, go to Pictures > Photo Album and select the ones you wish to send.
  • Select Picture Library (or the folder that contains the photos) from the drop-down menu to attach multiple photos to your message.
  • Create a new message and then click the Insert tab.
  • #Resize photos for email attachments how to

    How to Send Multiple Photos in Outlook Email However, for the purposes of this guide, we will focus on the first since it’s the most convenient and easiest way to email a lot of pictures.

    resize photos for email attachments

    How to Send Multiple Pictures in an EmailĮssentially, there are two ways to send multiple photos in an email, depending on whether you want all images to arrive in the recipient's inbox as attachments or if you want the email to contain all of the images with the text. So, if you want to share multiple photos over email, there are a few things you can do to make sure the process goes smoothly. Still, a lot of people are not sure how to send multiple photos in an email. This is why email remains the most preferred way to share photos. And since people demand both quality and quantity from their smartphone cameras, image file sizes are continuously getting bigger while the issue of sending them without losing data or resizing them remains.

    resize photos for email attachments

    A lot of people use messaging apps to share almost any type of file, but these often fail when it comes to sharing big attachments.

    Resize photos for email attachments